About this online course

This course was created and developed by Monash University with support from Eating Disorders Victoria. It was designed to inform people experiencing eating disorders who are approaching, are currently experiencing, or have been through menopause. Menopause marks the end of menstrual cycles or “periods”. In this course, we explore the ways in which eating disorders and menopause experiences can overlap and offer a range of resources and support options. This course also provides brief information for people supporting a loved one and also for health professionals.

  • Ten course chapters are provided where you can choose the topics that interest you most and work through at your own pace.

  • Lived experience learnings from people who have had an eating disorder during menopause.

  • Hear from health professionals with expertise in eating disorder and menopause treatment.

  • Multiple ways to learn, including written, video and visual content.

  • The course is free! 

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

  • 2

    Eating Disorders

    • Defining Eating Disorders

  • 3


    • Defining Perimenopause & Menopause

  • 4

    Eating Disorders & Menopause

    • Eating Disorders & Menopause

    • Body Image in Midlife

  • 5


    • Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT)

    • Psychosocial Support

  • 6


    • Resource List

    • Other Resources

  • 7

    Supporting a Loved One

    • Supporting a Loved One

  • 8

    Information for Health Professionals

    • Information for Health Professionals

  • 9

    About Us

    • About Us

  • 10


    • Evaluation Survey

Meet your course experts

Monash University Body Image and Eating Disorder Research Program

This resource has been created by the team at Monash University's Body Image and Eating Disorders Research Program led by Associate Professor Gemma Sharp and supported by Alisha Randhawa and Nileshni Fernando. We also thank Professor Susan Davis and Gabriel Lubieniecki of Monash University for their expertise.


  • How much does this course cost?

    This course is entirely free! We at Monash University and Eating Disorders Victoria want everyone to have access to this important information.

  • I’m too young to be thinking about menopause. Should I bother with this course?

    The phase before menopause (called perimenopause) can start in people as young as their 30s. Even if you are not in this age group, having knowledge about what you might expect can be helpful. We have far more knowledge of changes expected during puberty and we want everyone to know about menopause too.

  • I’m a carer of a loved one with an eating disorder approaching/during menopause. Is this course relevant for me?

    Yes. We have included specific information for carers/support people to help improve their knowledge of the overlap between menopause and eating disorders and provide some practical tips.

  • How do I start the course?

    To start this free course, click ENROL at the top of this page. If you have not created an account before, you will be asked to do so. You will need to provide some basic information which will not be shared and you will not receive promotional emails.

Get started today!

This course has been extensively co-designed with people with a lived experience of eating disorders and menopause.

The course was developed by Monash University.

If you have questions regarding this course, please get in touch with the Monash University Body Image and Eating Disorder Research team by emailing [email protected].